Sharing with my Divine Soul SIsTAR Linda Good Mc Gillis!

Published: Sept. 7, 2022, 4 p.m.

This Amazing Lady is such a Gift to All of US on our Sacred Mother Earth.
From her inside knowledge from the Stars to the Earth she brings forward the codes and keys of regenerational Transforming of the Sacred Waters as well as Sharing her Divine gifts in and through ALL Consciousness - bringing a Higher vibrational invitation to ALL.
We have Conscious KNOWING of our connection and though it seems like lite years pass between communicating - yet, we are never disconnected.

Linda is a Transformation Speaker, Mentor and a Spiritual Leader. She works with some other amazing Beings building a Conscious Living Community [Emerald Sun Ranch] where everyone is valid and a contributor.
This will be a packed show where you will be taken multi Levels in and through multi Demensions whaile we share.