Sankofa Leadership Continuum Series - The Power of Leadership in Organizational DNA

Published: Sept. 6, 2023, 10 p.m.

b'CONVERSATION: The Power of Leadership in Organizational DNA The Sankofa Leadership Continuum - a throughline running from historical leaders of the past to contemporary leaders of the present to those who will emerge as future leaders. Melding together historical and contemporary reality, this through-line inspires resistance, activism, art, literature, ethnography, and research to fuel transformation. In this conversation we take a deep dive into the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and its organizational DNA. The Kellogg Foundation priorities are listed as Racial Equity and Healing, Community Engagement, and Leadership. The foundation\'s priority statement reads: "Embedded within all we do are commitments to advancing racial equity and racial healing, to developing leaders and to engaging communities in solving their own problems." Racial Equity and Healing: supports communities in healing from the effects of racism and transforming the systems and structures that limit opportunity for children and families. Community leadership network with the Center Creative Leadership: equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to bridge the divides in our society and build a more equitable future for all. Watch Here:'