Recognize the 3 Signs of Suicidal Behavior in Others - Part 2

Published: April 14, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

b"Join us this Friday, April 14 @ 12:30pm for Part 2 of How To Recognize the 3 Signs of Suicidal Behavior in Others. This is Part 2 of a topic that is so important to bring awareness and educate everyone - the signs of suicidal behavior in others. I am thankful to have connected with my guest, Julie McLean, who is an advocate for mental health and awareness. In this podcast, we ll discuss how to recognize the 3 Signs of Suicidal Behavior in Others . I'm so glad we are talking about this because many times, we are not aware of how to recognize suicidal behavior in others and what we can do to help. Julie McLean is a Speaker, mental health advocate, Author, and certified Coach. In 2021 she spoke at the TEDxOcala stage. Her mission is to end the stigma of mental health. Remember, suicide is preventable, and there is help available to all of us."