Racism Is a Disruptor of Health & Wellness in Mind, Body, and Spirit Part 3

Published: May 4, 2022, 10 p.m.

2017 Publication: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press.

Key Takeaways of the Communities in Action Conceptual Model

Health equity is crucial to the well-being and vibrancy of communities.
Social inequities matter more than health care in shaping health disparities.
Health equity holds benefits for the entire nation, from economic vitality to national security.
Communities have the power to take steps toward health equity.

Community-based solution - An action, policy, program, or law driven by the community that impacts community-level factors and promotes health equity. Join the conversation as we cover the remaining 3 Social Determinants of Health.

Income Wealth

We also discuss a specific communty-based solution, PUSH Buffalo (People United for Sustainable Housing).
PUSH Buffalo: When we show up in big numbers, people listen.

Mission Mission: "At PUSH we mobilize residents to create strong neighborhoods with quality, affordable housing, expand local hiring opportunities, and advance economic justice in Buffalo. PUSH s members are the community organizers who make affordable housing a reality in Buffalo. Our members work with partners and funders to create a healthy, just and strong city that includes community control of resources, living wage jobs and access to quality education, healthcare and transportation."

From RAND Center to Advance Racial Rquity Policy Wellbeing
"We are at a critical point in history, where enacting real policy change is not only important, but a central part of creating an equitable society for all. I believe combining RAND's history of rigorous research with racial equity studies positions us to be leaders in public policy conversations in this arena." Rhianna Rogers, Director, RAND Center to Advance Racial Equity Policy (Source: Q A with Rhianna Rogers)