Optimism, Motivation and Gratitude - Little Moments of Discomfort

Published: July 21, 2023, 4:30 p.m.

b"Here's the thing, those goals you set, were for YOU. They were based on things that are important to you for your life so I want to encourage you to stay the course! You cannot pour from an empty pitcher. Taking care of yourself is a priority. In this episode I share about optimism, motivation and gratitude. Three keys to help you remain focused on anything you are wanting to accomplish this year.Keep going! Go do the thing. We need to show up for ourselves in order to best show up for other people!P.S. Join us in the Inspired Caring Program, starting March 28th! This will help you continue to stay on track and meet those goals. The first 6 weeks we focus on mindset, the second 6 weeks we create a plan for you. I'm so excited be with you on Zoom!Register here: www.michelemagner.com --- We're already doing this every single day, even if we don't realize it. Our day is riddled with little moments of discomfort. Are they working for you or against you?"