Nurses on The Frontline-Bettencourt! Eat Beef-Seidel! Prostate Cancer Treatments-Dr. Thompson! Buy Local-Brunelle!

Published: Sept. 22, 2021, 6 p.m.

Amanda Bettencourt tells the truth about life and death of the unvaccinated in Covid ICUs and how both the vaccinated and unvaccinated public can help save the future of nursing. Critical Care Nurses are in a state of crisis.
Alex Seidel discusses why beef plays an important role in sustainable eating, how cows contribute to a sustainable food system and what we need to know about quality food production. Cutting beef from any menu is misguided.
Dr. Ian Thompson speaks to the importance of having an open dialogue with your doctor about regular screenings, finding a treatment plans that's best for men if they've received a prostate cancer diagnosis. Options include SpaceOAR Hydrogel!
Bill Brunelle discusses about his organization 'We Stand' and shares the positive effects of buying local. "We Stand' supports small businesses across America by teaching to shift our local mindset to buy local so our purchases support our local economies!