Master Class in Webcam Confidence with Special Guest Adrienne Kraig of LifeCanyon

Published: May 7, 2021, 7 p.m.

If Video is the new TV, than Webcam is the new TV camera. How confident are YOU on webcam, whether on video, livestreaming, or even in Virtual presentation? This season, we're offering a Master Class in Webcam Confidence. We're turning the lens on Women in Business offering real-time critique for business growth. Our guests will submit a video that we'll review in advance and than get into the hotseat to receive a loving critique. Not to worry, though, each guest will walk away with a package of 6 valuable gifts for their business growth and productivity. Join us for the Webcam Confidence Masterclass the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at Noon/PT, 3:00pm/ET where we help women in business R.I.S.E.!