Letting go of the “But how?” (part 1)

Published: Nov. 25, 2021, 11:30 p.m.

Get inspired as I share my personal journey towards releasing the need to know it all (and the need to control) so that you can too surrender to what life wants for you.

What s so bad about the question How ?

In a self-development journey, when we ask the question how do I do it? or how is this possible? or how will it happen for me? ... we keep ourselves stuck in a pattern of needing to know the specific direction and unable to hear our inner voice as guidance
I m sharing my own experience RIGHT NOW experience as I navigate through releasing the need to know so that I can surrender to Life s flow and embrace the abundance that my mind cannot even conceive (yet)

What s the inner voice and how (pun intended) can I listen to it?

There s a dance between the ego and heart
3 types of ego (not all bad)

* If you want more details about this, check out my talk on How to to feel better about yourself when you feel stuck along your life s path released on November 18 2021. It can give you an idea as to what living from a place of ego means (energy-wise).

I share a LIVE intuition download about 3 things I ve learned so far. (I haven t prepared this as I write these show notes as my intuition will guide me to answer them for you on-the-spot).

There's nothing wrong with asking questions!

I was the girl who always used to ask questions in school, before the lecture was even started
A new way to ask questions.

In closing, can you let your intuition guide you and ask the how question to it vs to others?