How To Start The New Year Off in a Better Season in Your Relationship

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 8 p.m.

Relationships are constantly in a state of transition, continually moving from one season to another. Sometimes couples find themselves in the winter season feeling discouraged, detached and dissatisfied; other times they experience springtime with its openness, hope and anticipation. On other occasions, couples are in the summer season with feelings of warmth that bring relaxation, enjoyment and comfort in life. Then comes the fall season with its uncertainty, negligence, and apprehension. This cycle repeats itself many times throughout the marriage or relationship, just as the seasons repeat themselves in nature. Join Coach Martez Layton and Licensed Therapist Woodrina Layton on the next episode of The Coach Martez Woodrina Layton, LPC Show as they discuss the seasons of marriage and provide practical tips on how to start the New Year off in a good season.