How to Make Meditation a Regular Practice

Published: July 21, 2022, 10:30 p.m.

Is it difficult for you to sit and meditate regularly?
Do you want to be able to create a regular meditation practice that works for you so that you calm the chatter in your mind?

Claudia-Sam lived in an ashram in Nepal and has 2 yoga teacher trainings. She used to be really strict about her meditation practice and shares with you how it is possible to not have it be this way.

Claudia-Sam will share practical tools to make meditation work for you when you're busy (because it's not about stopping the thoughts or sitting still all the time).

She will also reveal 3 mindset shifts to help you make meditation a regular practice.

To meditate 1:1 with Claudia-Sam go to

or find her teacher profile on the free meditation app Insight Timer: Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauv .