How to get out of living at a standstill (even if it’s scary)?

Published: Jan. 27, 2022, 11:30 p.m.

If you feel like you've been stuck and lost in the same unfulfilling loops and like you're constantly trying to figure out how your next move but it keeps you tired and unsure of what you even want...

In this episode of the Be Happy Now Show, Claudia-Sam will support you to have more clarity and finally be able to reach the level of freedom you deserve.

You will be guided to answer the following soul connection coaching questions:

Notice how it feels to be at a standstill. Is it feeling worse to stay in it or to leave it?
Are you willing to do things differently so that you cab make an empowered decision for your Self?
What would it feel like to embody the version of yourself that breaks through the imaginary glass ceiling of limitation?

You are invited to hop on a 20-minutes vision call with Claudia-Sam, for free, to allow for your personal breakthrough so that you can get back on track. Go to to book a time that works for you.

You can also download Claudia-Sam's free Put Yourself First 3-step audio guide so that you can finally become your own priority. Go to

Photo by Paweł Bukowski on Unsplash.