How 20 Minutes a Day Can Boost Confidence, Reduce Anxiety & Improve Your Physical Health

Published: Nov. 16, 2021, 7 p.m.

Most people spend their time blindly reacting to life and whatever is thrown at them. This is a very stressful way to live. You don't feel prepared most of the time. You don't feel grounded and organized. Things slip through the cracks which triggers anxiety and unrest. And then chronic body tension morphs into physical illness or exacerbates pre-existing conditions. My whole "coffee with the Universe" ritual (and in fact this radio show) was created from a place of desperately wanting to stop feeling anxious, burned out, and uneasy.
In this episode of Coffee with the Universe, I talk about my experience with creating and sticking to a morning routine. And how just 20 minutes a day can set you up to feel calm, collected, confident, and connected to yourself so that you are more focused, productive, and peaceful throughout the day.