Full Body System Wellness- FEAR and the interconnectedness of the state of the world stage

Published: Feb. 17, 2022, 8 p.m.

In this episode, we will look FEAR in the face and ask ourselves some powerful questions about how it is affecting the planet in 2022.

David and Pam have been through many trials by FIRE metaphorically and literally that have allowed them to learn and re-learn to make this energy work for themselves and others in a way that enhances their well-being and moves them as conscious creators into living a life of spiritual power, endurance, and fulfillment.

This is an opportunity to invite all of us into a new state of living with courage in spite of what Fears may arise to stop us in our tracks.

Join us as we explore different ways of addressing this energy of flight or fight. Learn new tools, tips, and techniques to deal with fear and empower your life as a conscious creator.