Four Keys to Help Grieving Children Heal with Michele Benyo

Published: Feb. 15, 2022, 8 p.m.

In the midst of family grief, young children grieve, too, though they re often overlooked. Adultstend to want to protect children from the pain of grief, but that s not what children need. Micheleshares 4 key ways that adults can give grieving children the support they need to understandand cope with grief. You can also watch us live on Facebook.

Michele is taking enrolllments for her program See Your Way Forward After Child Loss beginning Feb. 16th at

The challenge of parenting while grieving after losing a child can feel impossible. You're heartbroken. Devastated. Lost. Yet your living child, the bereaved sibling still in the early years of childhood, needs you. See Your Way Forward After Child Loss takes you from this place of excruciating pain, hopelessness, doubt, and uncertainty to one of healing, hope, optimism, and confident parenting. The insights, information, and good grief parenting tips and tools in this program equip you to live forward toward a future bright with possibilities and even joy. Early childhood parent coach and certified grief specialist Michele Benyo is taking enrollments now for this 7-week program.

Anyone who s interested in knowing more about the program can schedule a call with Michele here: