Foster Care & How it Affects Homelessness

Published: Jan. 10, 2024, 5 p.m.

b'Join me and my guests, Lauren Bailey and Patricia McNair, who bring two very different perspectives to the Foster Care system and how it relates to the unsheltered/homeless epidemic. \\xa0 Foster Care and homelessness affect all of us. Become part of the solution, not part of the problem. What is wrong with our current Foster Care system? Where are the disconnects and gaps? How do these gaps lead to homeless youth? \\xa0 Lauren is a senior at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska, majoring in Human Service Counseling. Her senior research project focused on the foster care system, and in an attempt to understand\\xa0why the system is failing the children of America, she\\xa0has decided to continue\\xa0into a Master\'s program where she will become\\xa0an\\xa0advocate to find\\xa0solutions for children in the foster care system. \\xa0 Beginning at age three and a half, Patricia spent many years in foster care. Too many to count. The system failed her, and ultimately, she became homeless. Her first-hand experience will shed light on\\xa0how children are affected if they grow up in this environment. \\xa0 Watch Here:\\xa0'