Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness with Wendie Colter

Published: April 27, 2022, 6 p.m.

Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Or are you a patient or client who is curious about seeking answers to your health issues from your own body and energy systems? This comprehensive and accessible guide, grounded in the most up-to-date scientific research and case studies, explains everything you need to know about medical intuition a revolutionary new perspective in healthcare. The illuminating skill of medical intuition is designed to provide fast, pertinent intuitive health assessments that can be used as both a standalone practice and as a powerful support to health and wellness care of every kind. Intended to uncover the hidden sources of energetic resistance that may be blocking optimal wellbeing, medical intuition is now being increasingly discussed in integrative healthcare, its efficacy supported by innovative, growing research and case studies.