Episode 13 - Creativity - The Window to Self & the Soul

Published: Dec. 3, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

How aware are we of our creativity and the paths that we can use to find and to cultivate it? And why is it important to uncover and tap into our innate creative gifts?

Traditionally speaking we know creativity as harnessing our imagination, bringing ideas to life in the context of artistic work.

As children, our imaginations are infinite. Curiosity is boundless. We are not afraid to make mistakes. We are guided intuitively, free in our being at that young age.

As adults many of us leave our creativity behind for more tangible, responsible, (also self-limiting) belief systems and ways of being that we agreed to somewhere along our path. In that process, our innate gifts remain hidden.

Like we always do here at the SHIFT, what if instead we created a shift in our perspective to explore and expand our creativity in a new way? As a vehicle to embrace our humanity while simultaneously letting go of ego and judgement? Or as a modality of self-care and healing - to connect deeper with ourselves and our soul?

Join us for this episode of the SHIFT where we welcome our special guest, Author Robert T. Norton as he shares wisdoms from his personal exploration into creativity - the journey of the creative process, the epiphanies along the way, and how he is inspiring others to expand their own creative expression.

We'll talk about creativity as a medicinal practice, a perspective shifter, a liberator and a portal to channel our own intuition and allowing our soul's unique expression.

Expanding our creativity ultimately expands our consciousness!

The SHIFT starts now! Let s do this together!

On the SHIFT, we use multiple perspectives to effect positive change within ourselves and our communities. We create a reframe on traditionally accepted norms to generate personal freedom, empowerment, self-love and self-care. We discover new wisdom and learnings by stretching our existing understanding of social protocols, health and spiritual practices, personal belief systems, celebrations and cultural influences.

Viewing life through multiple perspectives helps us find new tools and teachings that can support us in healing, in understanding ourselves better, and realizing the potential in our self-actualization. As we journey through perspective, we learn ways to reclaim our power from where we have historically given it away.

Robert's Books will be available on Amazon in the final weeks of 2021!
978-1-7753815-0-1 Via Roma
978-1-7753815-2-5 Full Moon Poems Whispered by a Muse
978-1-7753815-4-9 Meditations on Photography - vol.1 Connections to Creativity
978-1-7753815-6-3 Meditations on Photography - vol.2 Connections to Creativity