Ep. 74 How to Unlock your Creative Genius to Grow to 6-Figures

Published: March 14, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

Ep. 74 How to Unlock your Creative genius to grow your 6-figure business This podcast episode explores what it means to be a wildflower in today's market and how we can embrace the sustainable, holistic approach to business. Get ready to unlock the marketing secrets and tap into your creative genius side to BossUp in your Business! Episode Resouces from your back host: ❤️ Take the FREE QUIZ, and receive 5 no-BS tips to help you BossUp your Health and Wellness! ❤️Join the Healthy Hustle Facebook community today, https://www.facebook.com/groups/365healthyhustle ❤️Ready to BossUp and Get Fit with Karissa? Book your free 15-minute. Get Fit Clarity call today! https://calendly.com/karissaadkins/bossup-strategy-call ❤️Come say Hi on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/365.daily.hustle/ Episode Resouces from our Guest: Megan McDonough, CEO Founder of Fox Studio, Brand Coach Website Designer for female-led businesses. ❤️ www.foxnpinestudio.com ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/foxandpinestudio ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/fox.p.studio/ As an artist and early childhood educator, Megan saw the beauty of having time and space to be creative, and desired more than working a traditional 9-5 job. After speaking and witnessing other women feeling the same way, and wanting more time for her own three children, Megan began her entrepreneurial journey. First as a graphic designer, then developing her skills as a website designer and coach. Overcoming many past obstacles and limiting beliefs, Megan brings a unique highly-collaborative approach to her industry. Megan McDonough is the Founder and CEO of Fox Studio, a national design agency supporting female-led brands. Through marketing strategy, website development, and digital design, she helps women create sustainable, legacy-building brands. These women learn that they are cared for, supported and deserving of all that they desire.