Ep #2: ADHD Procrastination vs Mental Paralysis: When you just can't get started

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 4:30 p.m.

Many different traits of ADD or ADHD make it hard to get started. Most of the time, people say they're procrastinating or 'overwhelmed" when they 're really mentally paralyzed for other reasons. Plain old procrastination applies when you just don't feel like starting something out of boredom or lack of interest. When you can't focus on a dull task, it's as if there were a two-year-old inside your brain stamping her foot and saying "NO!"
For basic tasks of life, you can't wait for motivation to strike. Learn strategies to entice your inner toddler with stimulation or timer games that allow you to get started, get it done and move on.