Empowerment is a choice- with Pam Bright and her special guest and partner for life- David Buck

Published: March 23, 2023, 7 p.m.

Empowerment is definitely a choice worth making. It is not always an easy one to make, but definitely worthwhile. How can you make this a way of life? How can you train yourself to notice when your choices are not empowering? Pam and David will be sharing with you their recent EPIC JOURNEY and how they chose to spend each day as the empowering adventure that it definitely was. You will get to hear how they chose adventure and fun in adverse conditions; rather than experiencing victimhood and problems. They will share with you how they allowied themselves to RECEIVE in massive ways on a daily basis. They will be sharing with you how a vacation can be an opportunity for huge growth and change in the venue of massive fun and comraderie.