Closing the Racial Wealth Gap and Leveraging Resources for Social Justice Movements

Published: March 23, 2022, 10 p.m.

I have never been a fan of the old saying - money makes the world go round. There's a reason for that. Money has been developed as a tool to barter and name a value for items and services. The tool is used by people, but rarely does it benefit everyone.
As we know, we live in a capitalist society where profit over people generally rules the day. One of the things I love about doing this show is bringing people to my listeners that believe in a different world.
Se-ah-dom Edmo - the Executive Director of Seeding Justice Foundation believes that everyone plays a role in creating and sustaining this world. By building community, living our values, and working together towards this vision, they participate in the creation of justice and inspire hope for the future.
With the racial wealth gap growing, and the rights of our communities and our environment under constant attack we need a better solutions. At Seeding Justice, they ve reimagined Donor-Advised Funds with a new program where donors and community benefit and they are spear-heading charitable reform efforts to increase community engagement.

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