Choosing the Path Through Grief with Special Guest, Tamara "T.Lotus" Hill

Published: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:30 p.m.

"You never get over grief. It's something you go through, until you don't."

Choosing your path through grief takes courage, which might at you daily, hourly, or even by the minute. Grief forges resilience, but it also forges new paths for us to take whether we are ready or not. Nothing can totally prepare us for the suicide of a friend or loved one, so it's up to us to bring the darkness into the light, so it can no longer hide and hold power over us.

T. Lotus is unapologetically herself as she discusses her active journey through the loss of her son Kerry, and explains how she is choosing to break the norm of silence, sadness, and the struggle to ask for help. "When we pour from an empty cup, we will most certainly experience a significant thirst." (T- Lotus).

T- Lotus talks about Conscious Creation and using Conscious Choice to let others see into her world so that they too may heal.

In this episode, we'll talk 7D- healing, and where people tend to get stuck without it. We'll share some tips to Attract Answers, Attract Resolution and AttractChoice into our lives. Make your own energy. The Universe has your back, and so do we. Amazing things happen when you use choice to let others see you.