Cancer as a Turning Point: From Surviving to Thriving in Difficult Times with Brigitte Cutshall

Published: Oct. 12, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'I was introduced to Brigitte Cutshall by my assistant, Tara Backes, who makes my life easy and does all the graphics for my show. She thought Brigitte s story would be inspiring and enlivening. And, I know you will too. Brigitte knows what it means to go from a survivor to a thriver. Between beating cancer twice with an intentional approach to health, she found out she had a rare brain tumor. She is now a recognized expert in health and wellness, as well as an author who focuses and speaks on taking control of your health before it controls you. She is also a Solutions Consultant, Founder of Gemini Media and podcast host of Real Things Living. You can check out a short Youtube video on Brigitte by clicking here.'