Build Your Business With The Oracle

Published: June 14, 2022, 7:30 p.m.

Wow! It's rare that such a deep, soulful, FUN incredibly badass convo on boss-babing, abundance, Source all things manifestation happens in under 30 minutes with rock-solid content to help you get to the next level in your revenue, awareness of Self vibration. If you're looking for guidance on what's next for you in your biz, this is THE episode you've been waiting for. Listen in for new ways to open up to more abundance!

My exclusive interview with Sonja
Sonja The Oracle is the successful CEO / Founder of a +6-figure international company, Oracle Teachings Incorporated - doing something that most of society thinks might be a bit out of the box! Did you hear the word Oracle?? That's right! Just like in The Matrix, Sonja is an actual Oracle. One of her clients dubbed her as "Abraham Hicks On Steroids", because not only does she channel Source similar to Esther Hicks, helping people align with infinite abundance, but actually clears you of all of your blocks keeping you from your purpose, wealth ways to your freedom joy! Her most amazing bundle on offer here today gives a life-changing experience for leaders, visionaries, and impact-makers to unlock their best/true self by clearing abundance blocks, paralyzing past baggage and start experiencing heightened states of love, joy and freedom.

Content with Sonja Foss / Sonja The Oracle

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Join the queen of habit change Karissa Adkins, for a fun free 31-Day Healthy Habits challenge. This challenge will include mini daily challenges that support a healthier happier you + Karissa will help hold you accountable with a daily check-in.


The 31-day Healthy Habit challenge will start on July 1st and end on July 31st.
Each day Karissa will go live giving you your daily challenge... it's your job to ShowUp, BossUp, and do the daily action step.