Being Black Globally - The Plight of Black Farmers in South Africa

Published: Dec. 7, 2022, 11 p.m.

Discussion: Laws of the Land in South Africa Dating Back to the 1913 Land Act and Group Areas Act of 1950, Cornerstones of Apartheid Policy and Segregation

The Plight of Black Farmers in South Africa: Land stolen under apartheid still hasn t been given back.
Broken land promises reveal how South Africa s Black farmers were set up to fail. Agricultural Apartheid is alive and well in South Africa as millions go hungry. The white minority generally accepts majority rule; it has lost its political dominance but is still privileged in terms of wealth and opportunities, including farming (commercial farming in particular).

Black Famers Association of South Africa formed in 2015. The goal of the Black Farmers Association of South: "We strive to provide and integrated an inclusive approach that recognises human dignity through skills traning and job placement and to unleash the potential of Black farmers to be commercially viable."