Awaken the Mind and BossUp your Life

Published: June 7, 2022, 7:30 p.m.

On today's episode of BossUp Babes, I will be talking with an expert in the fields of transformation: Joy Willett. Be prepared to be shocked at what is really going on in most people's lives and just how simple, yet truly beyond most people's imagining, it can be to truly Change Our Patterns and the Ways we keep "doing" our Lives Ourselves within.

How can we break beyond the boundaries of our stinking thinking, tumultuous feelings of why me and what's the point to become, well...Free in our lives: Body Mind and Heart? Getting to be Me - Free...Unlimited...and truly Unstoppable!! Listen in. Be Amazed. And Laugh too! Cause Transformation should and can be Fun too!!

Joy will be talking about her new book, I am Joy and So Are You which teaches you 19 Authentic Ways to Uncover Elevate your Natural Happiness. She is also co-hosting The Global Consciousness Summit on June 18th, 2022
Summit Event Page~

Connect with Joy here:

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