Are You Drowning In Information, Yet Starved For Knowledge?

Published: Feb. 2, 2022, 4 p.m.

Gain a basic understanding of astrological influences determined by the pull of the new moon in Aquarius on February 1st, so you can take advantage of the new energy to implement alternative strategies. Aquarius is the most observant and mental of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, inspiring creative solutions and revolutionary intellect in alignment with social and humanitarian ideals. This card is number 39 in Tails From The Vector.
We love to hear from you! Call in 1-800-930-2819! It is tempting for Aquarians to sit it out in the corner, rather than participate in the dance of life. In a strong state of being this archetype is friendly, humanitarian, and honest. ENERGETIC UPGRADE Take your head out of the clouds to observe with your heart! Kindness allows people to feel safe to show you who they truly are.