AN Amazing Traditional MAORI Message for SOLSTICE! with Jane & Johnnie Nikora

Published: Dec. 20, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'I am so honored to bring this show to you ALL for Solstice. Spirit wanted me to bring forward a message from New Zealand. They reminded me of a vision I was given about 15 years ago of NZ. How the NEW Over SOul of the Human Race would be birthed there for the New Earth. I connected with a divine couple who are part of Our Soul family and asked them connect with Spirit in their way and see if they were to bring this Solstice Message? They both did and shared that they would be Happy to do so! What unraveled from there has been nothing less that the Creator Divinely Guiding us in creating the show. Happy Solstice and this is the begining of pure majic manifesting for Mother Earth and ALL divine living consciousness upon her. Much Love Appreciation to Spirit, Jane Johnnie myFamily! and SIerrah who helped pull it all together and ALL. Watch Here:'