Ailing Nation-Link! 4 Ideas With Actionable Wisdom-Boylan! Business Optimism-Kara Hoogensen!

Published: June 9, 2021, 6 p.m.

Dr. Nate Link examines real political issues such as climate change, tax policy, campaign financing, gerrymandering, abortion, and gun control. The Ailing Nation is a fascinating, immersive read!
Bob Boylan answers questions and discusses his latest book 4 Ideas With Actionable Wisdom. How to: Balance Your Life, Be More Grateful, Make Changes More Effectively and Be More Creative. "We become what we think about."
Kara Hoogensen tells about the complete results from the Principal Financial Well-Being Index(SM), new national survey, how Covid-19 impacted the way business operate and which pandemic workplace changes may become "the new normal" in the future.