3 Similarities between Toxic Relationships and Perfectionism with Special Guest, Desiree Caminos

Published: May 12, 2023, 7:30 p.m.

b'Back in the 80 s through the 90 s I don t remember the word or topic of Toxicity coming up in conversation. Traditionally, toxic relationships were a norm, and no one dared to talk about it. But within the past 8 years I ve noticed a louder shift of information to bring awareness regarding perfectionism, toxic and unhealthy relationships. More and more women are speaking up and doing their work in self-care as well as their wellbeing! There are a multitude of support groups, shelters and programs to help women and their children. The thing is, we only know what we know. Being aware, searching out information and becoming knowledgeable is key! There is power now! No matter where you are in your relationship, this podcast will provide insights and tips to bring even more understanding of Toxic relationships. Join us Friday, May 12 @ 12:30pm PST as my guest, Des Caminos and I discuss 3 Similarities between Toxic Relationships and Perfectionism. Goto https://www.facebook.com/rosita.perez61/'