Traylor Emerges From Hiding, Joe Alwyns' Making Money Off Taylor, & Papa Swift Speaks Out!

Published: March 19, 2024, 4:10 p.m.

b'Joe Alwyn never has to work again thanks to Taylor. Sources tell a mag that he\\u2019s making so much money off her streaming and live performances that he is set. What should Taylor do? We\\u2019ll tell ya what we think. Papa Swift has made his fav album known\\u2026 which one is it!!\\n\\nPlus we have special guest Nikki Hendry to break down what SWIFTIES really want to know about pap shots\\n\\nFun fact: Sabrina is more of a mastermind than Taylor?\\n\\nHosts: Melanie Miller & Nikki Hendry\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'