Small Business Minute #34- Processes- Shampoo, Rinse and Repeat

Published: Sept. 13, 2016, 1:40 a.m.

Many business owners complain that they never seem to get anything accomplished during normal business hours because they are constantly being interrupted to deal with relatively unimportant issues. As the business grows the interruptions just keep on multiplying.
This happens because when they first started out they were accustomed to doing everything, because they were it and only had to take care of themselves. They handled every issue. But as the company grew, they didn’t realize that they need to find an alternative, so they continue running the business like they’ve always done, only to see the number of decisions they need to make expand exponentially. And why not? Every other successful owner is doing the same. Right?
It’s easy to say that they should just delegate more. But before doing so you need to establish processes to ensure that regular, everyday activities get executed in a consistent and predictable manner.
"It’s akin to washing your hair – Shampoo, Rinse and Repeat!"
The purpose of processes is that once established, allow the organization to operate without the need for constant input or direction from the owner. It’s akin to washing your hair – Shampoo, Rinse and Repeat! Simple straight forward steps to accomplish a task in a manner that everyone can understand.