Small Business Minute #3 – Just Because You're Struggling, Doesn't Mean You're Failing

Published: Feb. 2, 2015, 12:29 p.m.

Going into business is easy, running a business is hard and until we get in it we don’t realize how very hard it is. Oh sure we talk a good game by telling people that we know it will be difficult but that the hard work will pay off in the long run. The reality is, we haven’t got the foggiest idea of what lays ahead.
For those of us who have made it with most of sanity in tack, it is said that, much like childbirth, that if we knew how hard it was going to be, we would probably never have attempted it.
Entrepreneurship is the loneliest job
I constantly tell people that being self-employed is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. Just ask any entrepreneur who they talk to about their business issues and most will tell you they don’t. The internal dialogue alone will drive you crazy.