SBM #66 – Change Someday to Today

Published: July 17, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Someday I’ll be able to slow down. Someday I’ll be able to take more than just a couple of days off. Someday, someday, someday. This refrain is repeated daily by millions of overworked and underpaid entrepreneurs. Some feel trapped in a design of their own making.
Others feel they have traded their soul or some other part of their being for the sake of their company. Still others are oblivious to what’s happening and just accept, whether it’s right or wrong, that this is what they signed up for.
They kid themselves every day into believing that someday is just around the corner, when in fact, it’s nothing more than just a shimmering mirage far off in the distance.
Entrepreneurial lifestyle
Self employment is an insidious
lover that knows no boundaries
When we take the entrepreneurial plunge, we readily accept certain realities, like long hours and reduced or no income. But if the truth be told, the list is much longer and it’s not until we are knee deep in it, do we realize how little we know about this thing called, the entrepreneurial lifestyle.
Self employment is an insidious lover that knows no boundaries. Left unchecked, it will consume your every waking moment with thoughts of opportunities, challenges, self doubt or euphoria and of course the promise of someday having a better future.
Throughout this journey, many never realize that as time creeps by, they have given up activities, interests and even friendships. They justify it by saying they don’t have time and the business requires all they’ve got, and someday they’ll reengage.
Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle unlike others and those that are successful have realized that they must either manage this lifestyle or risk being managed by this lifestyle.