RHS 106 - Nigel Walsh Explains the Important Difference Between Digitizing and Digital Insurance

Published: July 8, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, Ryan Hanley interviews Nigel Walsh, Managing Director of Insurance for Google. Nigel joins the podcast for a fun and nerdy discussion examining the differences between digitizing your insurance business and building a digital insurance business. The distinction is larger and more impactful than you might think. Don't miss this epic conversation...\\n\\nEpisode Highlights:\\n\\nNigel shares the difference between digitization and digitalization. (11:09)\\n\\n\\nNigel shares why digitization is not a bad thing. (15:18)\\n\\n\\nNigel mentions some important points about digitalization. (19:32)\\n\\n\\nNigel shares how people have become more innovative during the pandemic. (20:45)\\n\\n\\nNigel mentions some really cool things he learned during his induction to Google. (23:49)\\n\\n\\nNigel shares how to earn someone\\u2019s trust and respect. (30:04)\\n\\n\\nNigel mentions the best advice he was given when he left university. (36:23)\\n\\n\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n\\n\\u201cIf we create a fully digitalized agency that customers aren't ready for, then we still fail...Which is why digitization also works.\\u201d - Nigel Walsh\\n\\n\\u201cSometimes, good is good enough. It doesn't need to be leading edge. You just need to make sure that you can pay your claims, you can serve your customers...that you do the right thing.\\u201d - Nigel Walsh\\n\\n\\u201cMore businesses have been started in the last 12 months. So, even during a pandemic, people become more innovative, and are out there taking risks using government support or whatever else to go and start businesses.\\u201d - Nigel Walsh\\n\\n\\nResources Mentioned:\\n\\nNigel Walsh LinkedIn\\n\\nGoogle\\n\\nReach out to Ryan Hanley\\n\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"