RHS 105 - Ron Shroyer Explains How to Rule the World With Data (and Donna)

Published: July 1, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, Ryan Hanley interviews Ron Shroyer, VP of Sales at Aureus Analytics. Ron joins the podcast for a deep dive into data, DONNA, and why those who can harness data will rule the (insurance) world. This is a conversation you don't want to miss...\\n\\nEpisode Highlights:\\n\\nRon shares his career background. (6:59)\\n\\n\\nRon explains what Aureus Analytics is all about. (11:29)\\n\\n\\nWhat did Ron find was unique when he first came to Aureus Analytics? (14:28)\\n\\n\\nRon shares how having access to influential people can really help with growth. (23:53)\\n\\n\\nRon explains what the sentiment score is all about. (26:43)\\n\\n\\nRon shares the difference between structured data and unstructured data. (36:56)\\n\\n\\nRon explains how DONNA works. (38:11)\\n\\n\\nRon mentions the most significant thing that they\\u2019ve processed within DONNA. (46:06)\\n\\n\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n\\n\\u201cI love the industry. I mean, it is so well connected with the people... Just how the industry has an influence on what goes on with the rest of the world...everybody needs insurance.\\u201d - Ron Shroyer\\n\\n\\u201cIf you take a deep look inside the opportunities you have, you can grow exponentially with the customers that are already at your door. It's way less expensive from a retention standpoint, and then also from a front-end organic growth standpoint. I mean, if you could save a point in retention, it makes it easier to get your growth goals in place.\\u201d - Ron Shroyer\\n\\n\\u201cWe are good at understanding data and being able to give you a really strong insight based on that data. I look at that opportunity with Agency Zoom and running those trigger events and making our insights actionable.\\u201d - Ron Shroyer\\n\\n\\nResources Mentioned:\\n\\nRon Shroyer LinkedIn\\n\\nAureus Analytics\\n\\nDONNA for Agents\\n\\nReach out to Ryan Hanley\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"