RHS 097 - Brian Keating On How to Think Big

Published: April 15, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, Ryan is joined by Brian Keating, Chancellor\\u2019s Distinguished Professor of physics at the Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences (CASS) in the department of physics at the University of California San Diego\\u2026 and he's awesome.\\n\\nEpisode Highlights:\\n\\nBrian shares how he sees the world differently. (8:57)\\n\\n\\nBrian mentions why some people see science as a zero-sum game. (14:46)\\n\\n\\nBrian mentions some of his guests on the show. (16:34)\\n\\n\\nHow does Brian approach big ideas? ? (19:24)\\n\\n\\nBrian explains the motto in his YouTube channel. (22:16)\\n\\n\\nDoes Brian think that his openness and candor are inspiring other people? (23:07)\\n\\n\\nBrian shares why he cares about artificial wisdom. (38:42)\\n\\n\\nBrian shares why wisdom is significant. (40:46)\\n\\n\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n\\n\\u201cI truly believe that if you don't examine the biggest questions, then you're kind of wasting this most precious gift that will soon be over. Your job is you to be an expert in minimizing risk and reducing rogue wave impacts, and so forth.\\u201d - Brian Keating\\n\\n\\u201cThere's nothing you guys can do to prevent the ultimate destination. We're all born to die. So we must make use of the time we have to live. And to me, living is nothing if you don't ask questions with deep and passionate curiosity.\\u201d - Brian Keating\\n\\n\\u201cFrom my perspective, what I really want to do is bring together this multiverse of minds and assemble. Now, thanks to technology, we can do it. There's no excuse not to do it. And, so I'm trying to do it.\\u201d - Brian Keating\\n\\n\\nResources Mentioned:\\n\\nBrain Keating LinkedIn\\n\\nUniversity of California San Diego\\n\\nBrian Keating Podcast\\n\\nReach out to Ryan Hanley\\n\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"