RHS 092- James Jenkins on Niche Business World Domination

Published: March 11, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"In this episode of The Ryan Hanley Show, James Jenkins, the founder of RiskWell Insurance, joins the podcast to discuss insurance technology decision-making, how to pick a niche market, and the best way to choose your carrier mix. This is an episode you don't want to miss\\u2026\\n\\nEpisode Highlights:\\n\\nJames shares why he likes doing feature requests. (17:09)\\n\\n\\nJames mentions his responsibility as the business owner. (18:16)\\n\\n\\nJames shares how he came up with the happy hour announcements. (22:28)\\n\\n\\nJames mentions a platform called High Level. (24:53)\\n\\n\\nWhat could happen to the small commercial, five years from now? (32:13)\\n\\n\\nJames shares why the gap between the generalist and the specialist will grow. (32:36)\\n\\n\\nJames shares the other niches that he has lined up. (41:18)\\n\\n\\nJames mentions his philosophy on carrier experts. (47:10)\\n\\n\\n\\nKey Quotes:\\n\\n\\u201cI am your best client and the biggest thorn in your side. Because when you do something cool, man, I think that's really cool. And I'm going to talk about it a lot. I'm going to post about it, I'm going to share about it. I'm a great brand ambassador.\\u201d - James Jenkins\\n\\n\\u201cI think we just need to keep banging the drum. The reality is when they climb up on their hilltop and wave their flag, they're not gonna back down from that. Because then it seems like a defeat or a failure, and no business owner wants to do that.\\u201d - James Jenkins\\n\\n\\u201cI think the important thing is having those behind the scenes conversations where you can influence the decision-makers before they decide to climb a hill and wave a flag.\\u201d - James Jenkins\\n\\n\\nResources Mentioned:\\n\\nJames Jenkins LinkedIn\\n\\nRiskWell Insurance\\n\\nReach out to Ryan Hanley\\n\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"