226. Launching an Independent Agency: 5 things I Would Do Differently

Published: Feb. 5, 2024, 1:36 p.m.

b"My journey with Rogue Risk taught me valuable lessons, which I'm laying bare for anyone looking to chart a similar course.\\n\\n\\u2705 Join the Insurance Growth Masterclass: https://masterclass.insure\\n\\u2705 For daily insights and ideas on peak performance: https://www.instagram.com/ryan_hanley/\\n\\u2705 Hire me to speak at your next event: https://ryanhanley.com/speaking\\n\\n** More about this episode **\\nNavigating the choppy waters of creating and scaling an insurance agency can feel like setting sail on a vast, unpredictable ocean. From the costly expansion pitfalls to the triumphs of strategic growth, I dissect the aspects that can make or break your venture.\\nBy sharing the five pivotal insights that shaped my experience, I hope to arm you with the foresight to sail smoothly towards rapid agency growth, avoiding the stormy seas of hasty decisions and uncharted territories.\\nHarnessing technology and fostering a collaborative team spirit are the twin engines that power any insurance agency's journey forward.\\nReflecting on the integration of systems like HubSpot, I've learned that complexity isn't always the answer\\u2014simplicity in technology often steers the ship toward greater efficiency.\\nIf I could turn back the clock, bringing a co-founder or an early team member on board from the start would have been a game-changer, ensuring all hands were on deck to focus on growth and client service.\\nAs we anchor our discussion in the realm of marketing strategies and client acquisition, it's clear that the right approach can set you leagues apart from the competition.\\nI pull back the curtain on the transformative power of content marketing, one-call-closes, and the overlooked yet critical client onboarding process. By sharing these personal experiences and lessons learned, my mission is to guide you through the often treacherous waters of agency growth, so you're well-equipped to navigate your way to success.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"