The Four-Step Process for Fixing Your Fatigue and Improving Your Energy with Dr. Evan Hirsch

Published: Nov. 3, 2022, noon

b"The Root Cause Medicine Podcast is created by Rupa Health, the best way to order, track & get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.\\n\\nIn today\\u2019s episode, Dr. Carrie Jones is joined by Dr. Evan Hirsch, Founder of The EnergyMD. They discuss fatigue, ten categories to examine potential causes, and Dr. Evan's four-step process to improve it.\\nKey Takeaways:\\n\\nFatigue Causes:\\nThere are thirty-three causes for fatigue, and every person should figure out which ones they have. These causes can be divided into deficiencies of hormones, vitamins, minerals, neurotransmitters, healthy lifestyle habits, and toxicities which cause about eighty percent of the deficiencies.\\n\\nThere's More Than One Cause Of Fatigue:\\nEverybody who has low energy has a combination of twenty-plus causes, and part of this has to do with the fact that there are deficiencies. For example, if you have molds plus an infection, that can cause adrenals, thyroid, or mitochondrial deficiencies.\\n\\nExamples Of Toxicities:\\nA toxin is an environmental element that gets into your body and is not supposed to be there. These are things like heavy metals, chemicals, molds, infections, allergies, negative emotional patterns, and electromagnetic fields.\\n\\nThe Four-Step EnergyMD Method:\\nThe first step is to assess. Out of the thirty-three causes, seventy-five percent of those can be determined by symptoms, while twenty-five percent need lab testing. And you need to figure out which of those twenty-plus causes you have. The second step is replacing the deficiencies, the third is opening up the drainage pathways, and the fourth is removing the toxins.\\n\\nCOVID After Effects:\\nCOVID is a big fatigue contributor, which causes over 250 different symptoms at this point, and it's a reason why we're seeing so many young people get sick. If you've got COVID and have persistent symptoms that started with it, that means you have an active live virus and you need to ensure that you're addressing it. But what's interesting is the difference between somebody who ends up getting long covid and somebody who doesn't has to do a lot with the toxicities that they already have. So if you have heavy metals, chemicals, molds, and other infections, you're a lot more likely to end up with long covid. \\n\\nDr. Evan Hirsch is one of the world\\u2019s leading experts in finding the root causes of fatigue and resolving them naturally. He is the Founder of The EnergyMD, the best-selling author of Fix Your Fatigue, and the host of the EnergyMD Podcast. Dr. Hirsch suffered from low energy and fatigue for five years before he achieved resolution using the EnergyMD Program he developed in his medical practice."