How Do You Know if You Have Mold in Your Home with Michael Rubino

Published: Aug. 25, 2022, 5 p.m.

b"The Root Cause Medicine Podcast is created by Rupa Health, the best way to order, track & get results from 30+ lab companies in one place.\\n\\nIn today\\u2019s episode, Dr. Carrie Jones is joined by Michael Rubino, Founder and President of HomeCleanse. They discuss how mold and mycotoxins in your home could secretly be the reason behind your brain fog, hormone issues, and autoimmune diseases and what you can do about it.\\n\\nKey Takeaways:\\n\\n1. How Can You Tell You Have Mold in Your House? Typically, the gold standard for identifying mold is an air test. But recent studies show that an air sample three feet away from a mold source misses it. The best way is to screen the house by testing the dust.\\n\\n2. Minimizing the Mold Impact. Inhalation is one of the most exposed systems of our bodies. People inhale diverse particles all the time, including mold ones. It's impossible to protect ourselves 100%. But we should be aware of these issues and find the best solutions to limit high levels of mold exposure. The goal is not zero, but to keep it under control.\\n\\n3. What to Look for When Replacing the Filter in Your HVAC System? Every filter has an efficiency rating. You can trace that efficiency down to how small a particle will limit from coming in. MERV 16 filters will stop the smallest particle possible at this current stage. The challenge with HVAC is the thicker the filter, the more it restricts the airflow, which can cause other problems. So, you need something that allows the air to pass through and stops different particle sizes. \\n\\n4. The Correct Remediation Approach. Remediation is basically making the necessary repairs and improvements to a home that will stop and prevent issues from happening. It also includes removing the living organisms, producing particles and toxins, reproducing rapidly, and then removing those particles and toxins from your environment.\\n\\nAs the President of HomeCleanse, formerly known as, All American Restoration and Author of The Mold Medic: An Expert's Guide on Mold Removal, Michael focuses on giving people the resources they need to overcome poor air quality and create a safe home environment. His proprietary Home Detox method is an alternative remediation protocol that removes mold sources and contamination."