Hormonal Myths You Might Have Been Told with Dr. Trevor Cates

Published: May 16, 2022, 5 p.m.

b'In today\\u2019s episode, Dr. Carrie Jones is joined by Dr. Trevor Cates, Owner and Founder at The Spa Dr. They discuss myths about hormones and how women can restore their hormonal balance to live healthy and in harmony. Dr. Trevor Cates is the author of the USA Today bestselling book Clean Skin From Within and Natural Beauty Reset: The 7-Day Program to Harmonize Hormones and Restore Radiance. She was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California and is the host of the Hormones, Health & Harmony Docuseries, The Woman\\u2019s Doctor Podcast, and the Younger Skin From Within. Dr. Cates\\u2019 goal is to inspire and empower women to find the keys to harmonizing their hormones and opening their eyes to their natural beauty.'