The 5 Habit Myths Around Health - With Dr. Heather McKee

Published: March 21, 2022, 3 p.m.


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This episode is all about kick-starting your habits to make healthy choices.\\xa0

Dr. Heather McKee is the UK\\u2019s leading lifestyle behavior change specialist. Having studied health behavior change psychology for ten years, her mission is to offer a sustainable, evidence-based alternative to an industry saturated with quick fixes and health fads.\\xa0

She supports businesses in designing and evaluating digital and in-person wellness programs for long-term adherence and positive health outcomes. And runs the Bite-Sized Healthy Habits course for individuals looking to create lasting habit change, you can kickstart your own healthy habits by joining her free 5-day Bite Sized Habits challenge here

Dr. McKee\\u2019s research has been published internationally in leading academic journals, as well as featuring in Time magazine, Vogue, Huffington Post, The Times, and LA Times.

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