"You're going to see more books get banned": The war on schools in Ron Desantis's Florida | Working People

Published: April 5, 2023, 5:59 p.m.

b'Read the transcript and shownotes for this podcast: https://therealnews.com/youre-going-to-see-more-books-get-banned-floridas-war-on-public-schools

Things are getting very dark in Florida, and educators at all levels have found themselves on the frontlines of a reactionary political crusade led by Republican governor Ron DeSantis. "As the new semester began," Florida-based journalist Michael Sainato recently reported, "teachers throughout Florida were faced with new state laws strictly limiting curricula\\u2014prompting schools to remove droves of books from their classrooms and libraries for fear of being in violation of the draconian but opaque new laws. An already-chilling reality gripping the third most populous state is getting even chillier in the wake of controversial legislation such as the \\u201cDon\\u2019t Say Gay\\u201d bill and the Stop Woke Act, which both went into effect in July 2022." What is it like teaching in DeSantis\'s Florida today? For those who haven\'t already fled the state or left the profession altogether, what do these sweeping, draconian policy changes translate to on the day-to-day level for educators, and how can we stand in solidarity with them? In this episode, we talk with Philip Belcastro and Brennen Pickett, two public high school English teachers and union members in St. Petersburg, Florida, and the hosts of the PCTA FYRE podcast.

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