Why the holidays are the most painful time of the year for prisoners

Published: Dec. 13, 2021, 9:31 p.m.

b'After spending the past year and a half socially distancing, millions around the country will be coming together to celebrate the holidays this year with a renewed appreciation for seeing and being with loved ones. For those who are locked away in prisons and jails, however, the dehumanizing separation from family, friends, and community will continue. Having spent 44 years as a political prisoner, TRNN Executive Producer Eddie Conway has an intimate knowledge of just how painful the holidays are for incarcerated people and why suicides, violence, and depression spike for prisoners this time of year. In this episode of Rattling the Bars, Conway and TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez have an open and emotional discussion about what it\\u2019s like to be locked up during the holidays and about the importance of doing what we can to help prisoners maintain contact with the outside world.
Read the transcript of this interview: https://therealnews.com/why-the-holidays-are-the-most-painful-time-of-the-year-for-prisoners

Pre-Production/Studio/Post Production: Cameron Granadino

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