Surviving the darkness: Eddie Conway speaks with Guantanamo Bay detainee Mansoor Adayfi

Published: Nov. 9, 2021, 2:03 p.m.

b'Mansoor Adayfi, \\u201cDetainee No. 441,\\u201d was imprisoned in Guant\\xe1namo Bay for over 14 years without charges as an enemy combatant. As detailed in the description for Adafyi\\u2019s new book Don\\u2019t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guant\\xe1namo, \\u201cArriving as a stubborn teenager, Mansoor survived the camp\\u2019s infamous interrogation program and became a feared and hardened resistance fighter leading prison riots and hunger strikes protesting inhumane treatment and arbitrary detention. With time though, he grew into the man nicknamed \\u2018Smiley Troublemaker\\u2019: a student, writer, advocate, and historian.\\u201d In this special episode of Rattling the Bars, TRNN Executive Producer, legendary Black Panther, and longtime political prisoner Eddie Conway sits down with Adafyi to talk about his new book, his time at Guant\\xe1namo, the human cost of the War on Terror, and about the battle for survival in the dark heart of American empire.

Pre-Production/Studio/Post Production: Cameron Granadino

Read the transcript of this interview:

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