'Neither Washington nor Beijing!'- The Western left grapples with -new Cold War- between US-China

Published: July 1, 2021, 6:03 p.m.

b'The Trump administration\'s frequent antagonism toward China ushered in what many analysts have called a "new Cold War" between the two world powers. Rather than reverse course, President Biden has committed to thrusting the US further into a world-historical contest with China, declaring in his first speech to Congress in April, "We\'re in a competition with China and other countries to win the 21st century.\\u201d

While it is clear that the relationship between the US and China will come to define the geopolitical terrain for decades to come, many among the Western left are unsure about what their own positions and responsibilities should be. As the slogan \\u201cNeither Washington nor Beijing!\\u201d continues to gain traction, it is important for leftists to critically assess what they know and don\'t know about China. TRNN contributor Radhika Desai speaks with John Ross, senior fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, whose most recent book, China\'s Great Road, is published with 1804 Books.

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