Jailed her for a crime she didn't commit, Dreama Caldwell is now taking on the system

Published: April 20, 2022, 8:44 p.m.

b'Alamance County, North Carolina, is probably best known for its defense of Confederate monuments and backing Republicans in every presidential campaign since Jimmy Carter. But an important grassroots fight for racial and economic justice is currently unfolding there. One of the leaders of that fight is Dreama Caldwell, a Black working mother who, in 2015, faced a $40,000 bail for a crime she didn\\u2019t commit\\u2014now she is working to organize across racial and class lines to build grassroots power in rural areas that have been abandoned by the major political parties.

In the latest installment of his investigative series \\u201cDefending Democracy in the 2022 Midterm Elections,\\u201d supported by the Solutions Journalism Network, TRNN\\u2019s Jaisal Noor speaks with Caldwell about her story and her organizing work with Down Home North Carolina.

Featured music courtesy of Joe Troop: \\u201cThe Rise of Dreama Caldwell\\u201d by Joe Troop

Read the transcript of this podcast: https://therealnews.com/jailed-for-a-crime-she-didnt-commit-dreama-caldwell-is-now-taking-on-the-system

Pre-Production/Studio: Jaisal Noor
Post-Production: Jules Taylor

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