#26: The Art of Gathering Inspiration

Published: Feb. 2, 2023, 10 a.m.


No matter what you create, the art of gathering inspiration is a key skill that will set you and your work apart. Not only can our inspirations help us develop our signature style, but it can also contribute to how we\\xa0feel\\xa0as artists. Inspiration is truly everywhere, and in this episode we\\u2019ll be diving deep into the art of gathering inspiration for anything you create as an artist and creative entrepreneur. When you actively look for inspiration, even ordinary things become infused with possibility and potential. So put your inspiration goggles on, and let\\u2019s dive in!


\\U0001f4d2 Episode Notes, Links & Resources \\U0001f4d2



\\U0001f4dd Read the Transcript \\U0001f4dd
