127: Your Story Star

Published: March 21, 2024, 9 a.m.


So, you know how sometimes we hold back from social media because, well, it can feel a bit daunting, right? Whether it\'s fear of negative feedback, imposter syndrome creeping in, or just feeling self-conscious about putting ourselves out there, we\'ve all been there.\\xa0

But here\'s the thing \\u2013 it\'s okay to show up imperfectly. In fact, authenticity is what truly resonates with people. In this episode, let\\u2019s chat about navigating those fears, deciding what to share (and what to keep to yourself), and how to craft a social media plan all surrounding your \\u201cwhy.\\u201d This story star method has been such a game changer for me and I\\u2019m really excited to share it with you.

Grab a freebie download \\u2013 a pre-designed story star to help you map out your social media game plan - and follow along! This story star is a guide and foundation that allows you to showcase all the awesome angles of your business as well as the things about yourself that create a connection with your audience.

\\U0001f4d2 Episode Notes, Links, & Resources \\U0001f4d2


\\U0001f4dd\\xa0Read the Transcript\\xa0\\U0001f4dd

Connect with Bonnie:
\\u25b8 ONLINE |\\xa0http://bonniechristine.com
\\u25b8 INSTAGRAM |\\xa0https://instagram.com/bonniechristine
\\u25b8 START SIMPLE IN SURFACE DESIGN | FREE MINI CLASS |\\xa0https://www.bonniechristine.com/startsimple
\\u25b8 FREE SURFACE DESIGN GUIDE |\\xa0https://www.bonniechristine.com/guide
